In Federal elections, which of the following are elected?

Miriam is a new immigrant in Canada. What law allows her to take up any job at par with a man?

Which of the following best describes the role of the Queen in Canada?

Why was the Canadian Pacific Railway built?

Which of the following are the two fundamental freedoms under Canadian law?

What is the meaning of constitutional monarchy?

What does the Canadian Crown symbolize?

Who is awarded the honour of Victoria Cross?

Which eastern province in Canada has its own time zone?

What is the role of the opposition parties?

How are the Members of Parliament chosen?

Which of the following are Prairie Provinces?

What is the voting procedure in Canada?

What are the three parts of Parliament?

Why is the War of 1812 significant to Canada?

What do Canadians remember on Remembrance Day?

Why is the Battle of Vimy Ridge important to Canadians?

What is a part of our heritage under the Canadian legal system?

Why is British Columbia known as Canada's Pacific Gateway?

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of Canadian citizens?

What does Confederation mean?

Which Canadian province has the largest population?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms begins with which words?

What is the main advantage of the NAFTA agreement?

Why is trade with other countries important to Canada?