Which of these offences will result in a licence suspension of one year?

If you refuse to give a sample of breath, blood, oral fluid, or urine when required to by police, you will...?

How many driving Criminal Code offences will result in a lifetime ban from driving in Ontario?

The most fuel efficient range for any type of truck is...?

The most fuel efficient range for any type of truck is...

If you drive while your licence is suspended, you can go to jail for up to...?

If your blood alcohol concentration is more than .08, you will be immediately suspended for...?

Leaving the scene of the collision without giving your details or tending to any wounded will result in how many demerit points on your licence?

Which of these is the only offence which will not result in two demerit points on your licence?

Which of these can help you to save fuel?

If you are stopped and found to have a blood-alcohol concentration over .08, your vehicle will immediately be impounded for...?

For maximum fuel efficiency, when driving at high speed you should...?

Drivers aged 21 and below must not drive with a blood-alcohol concentration of more than...?

For your second suspension in the warn range of 0.5-0.8 BAC, you must undertake mandatory alcohol education within what time of the suspension?

Which of these drugs can seriously impair your ability to drive?

If you fail a roadside breath test, your licence suspension will begin...?

If you commit two offences of driving while your licence is suspended for a Criminal Code offence within five years, you can be fined up to...?

If you are convicted as a first-time offender for a Criminal Code offence whilst driving, your licence will be suspended for...?

Which of these is the only offence which will not result in three demerit points on your licence?

Your driving licence may be suspended for which of these offences?

If you are caught with a blood-alcohol concentration in the warn range (0.5-0.8) and it is your first offence, you will immediately be suspended for...?

For your second offence of driving 50 km/h or more over the speed limit within a five-year period, you can be suspended for up to...?

Who is responsible for making sure that a vehicle is being driven by a person who is legitimately allowed to drive it under Ontario law?

Trying to escape from the police when ordered to stop will result in a licence suspension of a minimum of...?

If you are stopped three times in a five-year period with a blood-alcohol concentration in the warn range (0.5-0.8) you will receive an immediate suspension of...?

If you are caught driving while your licence is suspended for a Criminal Code offence, the vehicle you are driving, regardless of whether it belongs to you or not, will be impounded for a minimum of...?

Being stopped three times in a five-year period with a blood-alcohol concentration in the warn range (0.5-0.8) means you must, if you wish to carry on driving, have an ignition interlock device fitted to your vehicle for...?

You will receive six demerit points on your licence if you exceed the speed limit by more than...?

For maximum fuel efficiency, you should keep your RPM...?

If you are driving a bus and you fail to stop at an unprotected railway crossing, you will receive how many demerit points on your licence?

If you cause bodily harm when driving while impaired, you can be sentenced to how long in prison?