If you are convicted twice within five years of failing to stop for an emergency vehicle, the combined fines for the two offences could add up to as much as...?

When you see or hear the lights, bells or sirens of an emergency vehicle approaching, you must...?

What shape are stop signs in Ontario?

Which of these drivers is the most dangerous on the road?

You should try to avoid using your horn towards other drivers, unless it is to...?

When driving on snow and ice, you should avoid sudden...?

If you cannot move your vehicle off the roadway in a speed limit zone greater than 60 km/h and there is restricted visibility, you must place an emergency warning device to the front and rear of your vehicle at a distance of...?

The maximum licence suspension for careless driving is...?

If you use a hand-held cell phone or other device for talking, texting, dialling or emailing you can be fined up to how much under Ontario's distracted driving law?

One of the best ways to avoid road rage situations is to...?

If you are caught in a snowstorm, you should use...?

If you start to feel drowsy when driving, you should...?

In snowy conditions, remember that the wings of a snowplow can extend how far to the right of the vehicle?

When you enter a Community Safety Zone, the speed limit is lower...?

You should not park your vehicle on a roadway in times of limited visibility unless it can be clearly seen for how far in both directions?

A red circle with a diagonal red line through it means that you...?

If you are driving a commercial motor vehicle on a provincial highway during the hours of darkness you must carry portable reflectors or flares, lamps or lanterns which can produce two warning lights visible from at least 150 m for at least...?

If you become stranded in a snowstorm, you should...?

How many demerit points will you receive on your licence if convicted of careless driving?

You must not follow a fire vehicle or ambulance responding to a call within what distance?

You are legally obliged to clear the way for vehicles with...?

If you are involved in a collision where the damage is less than $1000, you must still...?

A white triangular sign with a red border means that you must...?

Times of limited visibility are from one half hour before sunset to one half hour after sunrise, and any time when you cannot clearly see people or vehicles from...?

You must report any collision to the police if any person has been injured or if damage to vehicles or other property exceeds...?

You should be extra careful in cold conditions if the road ahead is...?

If you see a wild animal in the road ahead of you, you should...?

When should you be especially cautious of wild animals on the road?

School zone signs are what colors?

If you are witness to or involved in a collision, you should always stop and help...?