You suddenly find you're riding over rough gravel. What's your best strategy?

If you are caught with a blood alcohol content in excess of .08, what is the minimum it will cost you financially?

Which of these is the only restriction which changes when you gain your Class 8 Novice license?

Which of these is it not compulsory for your motorcycle to have for you to be permitted to use it for your skills test?

If you refuse to give a breath or blood sample when asked, how will you be treated?

What should you do if one of your tires starts to whine or shudder under braking?

Why shouldn't you use your high beam headlight in fog or heavy rain?

What will indicate that a motorcycle is a good size for you?

Which of these areas are most likely to develop black ice first?

Which of the three basic collision avoidance strategies should be your last choice?

What is the minimum penalty for being caught for the first time with a blood alcohol content over .08?

While you are learning to ride, when must you have a qualified supervisor riding with you?

When carrying heavy cargo, what's the best place for it?

How much riding experience do experts suggest you should have under your belt before attempting to carry a passenger on your bike?

When you have a flat tire, what is the safest way to come to a stop?

You must dim your high beam before you get how close to another vehicle?

As well as impeding your vision, what else can fog do?

In the event of an engine failure, what should be your very first action?

It's so foggy you decide to pull off the road. What is the most important thing for you to do?

What is the best way to prepare for your Motorcycle Skills Test?

What is the minimum penalty for being caught for the first time with a blood alcohol content of between .05 and .08?

Which of these is the only thing ABS brakes will help you with?

What should you do to avoid being dazzled by glare from oncoming vehicle lights?

If you have a motorcycle license from another province, state or country how long can you use it in British Colombia before you must apply for a B.C. license?

Which of these is the only restriction which does not apply to riders with a Class 8L learner's license?

At what times of day should you be particularly vigilant for animals crossing the road?

What's the minimum you should give your motorcycle after a winter's storage?

When forced to steer around an unexpected obstacle, which of these should you avoid?

What should your stopping distance be at night?

Which of these is not one of the three basic emergency collision avoidance techniques?