What’s the best way to deal with pedestrians and people in wheelchairs wanting to cross the road ahead?

Which of these should not be an essential consideration in choosing which motorcycle to buy?

When starting your motorcycle from cold, what position should your choke/enricher be in?

Which of these materials is not suitable for motorcycle clothing?

After passing your skills test, what should you do next?

Why should you not wear high-heeled boots when riding?

Why is it important to check that air can flow freely through your face shield?

What's the most effective way of making sure other road users can see you?

If your motorcycle starts fine but soon stalls for no obvious reason, what is the first thing you should check?

What’s the best way of making sure you arrive at your destination on time?

What is the most important thing you should ensure before pressing the starter?

What is the best way of protecting your eyes and face while riding?

Why should you not use a tinted face shield?

When buying your motorcycle gear, what should be the priority item, where you should buy the best you can afford?

What would you use your tachometer to monitor?

When you’re approaching a green light, which of these should you not do?

When is it essential that your passenger should wear a proper helmet and protective gear?

How can you find out whether or not a used helmet has been in a crash?

When can you afford not to wear your motorcycle jacket?

When riding, what percentage of information about your environment do you take in through your eyes?

You’re riding with two friends and they start to reach a speed you’re not comfortable with. What’s your best option?

In what percentage of crashes is a helmet effective in preventing head injury?

Where will you normally find the gearshift lever on a motorcycle?

According to the US Department of Transportation, how much more likely are you to be killed in an accident as a motorcyclist than as a car driver?

What’s the best way to react if someone starts tailgating and honking at you?

Which of these is the most common cause of motorcycle crashes in British Colombia?

Which of these should be given priority in your budget for motorcycling?

Your motorcycle will most likely have convex mirrors to give you a wider field of view. What effect will these mirrors also have?

What is the most important consideration for the smart rider?

What will make you safest when faced with a road sign?