Under British Columbia law, what is the definition of a bus?

Why do the hours of service regulations exist?

On a long, narrow stretch of highway, a bus has just reached a passing lane. The bus is travelling slower than the rest of the traffic. What should the bus driver do?

Airbags are

What is the purpose of an antilock braking system ABS?

In British Columbia, you must dim your headlights whenever you are within ________ of another vehicle.

Cars A and B have arrived at this intersection at about the same time. Car A wants to turn left and Car B wants to go straight. Who has the right-of-way?

You are driving a school bus. You may let passengers on or off the bus only when

If you intend to make a right turn on a red light, you must

To pass inspection, wheel lugs must NOT be

Before you may turn left at an intersection, you must yield to

At a railroad crossing, flashing red lights and ringing bells mean that

The trailer hand valve should not be used to hold an unattended trailer because

A convex mirror

When can flashing amber lights be mounted on a vehicle?

What are some uses of governors?

At what speed should you back up your vehicle?

A Slow-Moving Vehicle sign should be placed on any vehicle that travels no faster than

Before you drive, you should

An octagonal (eight-sided) red sign is

Before you enter a curve, what gear should you select?

Which of the following statements about a vehicle's retarder is FALSE?

At an intersection, the traffic light is red, but a police officer motions you to go through. What should you do?

Written inspection reports must be completed daily by the drivers of which vehicles?

After working 120 hours in a 14-day cycle, drivers must take ____ consecutive hours of off-duty time before taking 70 hours of on-duty time.

In the context of commercial driving, what is a turnout?

What does the presence of polished or shiny areas at the flanges or clamps of spoke wheels indicate?

Under British Columbia law, what is the definition of public transportation?

Before you drive your vehicle, you should

A tractor-trailer travelling at high speeds creates air turbulence in which of the following areas?

Under British Columbia law, what is the definition of a special vehicle?

Under hours of service regulations, a sleeper berth can be

A vehicle that is twice the weight of a car and is travelling at twice the speed of that car requires how much braking power to stop in the same distance?

Why should you adjust your head restraint so its top is at least level with the top of your head?

The Motor Vehicle Act gives public transit buses the right-of-way. What does this mean?

An engine governor is

The presence of metal or paint flakes around the wheel nuts means that

Different-sized tires can

A controlled railway crossing may have

For optimal safety, your head restraint should be positioned so that its centre is level with

At a stop sign, you must

Under British Columbia law, a special activity bus

At an intersection with no traffic lights or traffic signs, you should

Funeral processions have right-of-way over you…?

Any defect or deficiency that you find on your bus must be

Which of the following are true about a humpback railway crossing?

A white diamond marking in your lane indicates that

An oncoming vehicle at night has not dimmed its high-beam headlights. What should you do?

During freezing conditions, you should exercise extreme caution when driving through which of the following?

Any defect found on a school bus must be

Under British Columbia law, what is the definition of a taxi?

A Class 2 driver's licence allows you to drive which of the following?

Which dashboard gauge can help you decide when to upshift?

A white X pavement marking in your lane means that

Double-clutching is