Each driver should report any violations, convictions, and collisions to the...?

When driving a school bus, how far must you stop from the nearest railway track?

Where a trip inspection report has been completed, the trip inspection is valid for a maximum of...?

What can you do while driving that can improve operating costs by 30%

When operating a school bus with passengers on it and the bus breaks down, when do you get the passengers off the bus and guide them to a safe location?

Every driver is responsible to:

What is the maximum speed you are able to drive a school bus?

At what rpm should you shift gears to improve fuel efficiency?

Who is exempt from the distracted driving law and can use their cell phone while operating their vehicle?

While approaching railway tracks, what helps the driver notice an approaching train?

How often should you monitor your vehicle's condition during your trip, such as checking gauges, tires and cargo?

Who is allowed by law to refill a propane vehicle or cylinder?

If the dangerous goods placards and panels are lost, damaged, or defaced during the trip, who replaces them?

When warming up the engine, how long should you do it to warm it up adequately?

In Alberta, who is exempt from wearing a seat belt?

Who is in charge of or in control of dangerous goods when a dangerous incident occurs such as a leak or a collision, or an unintentional release or near release?

In the event of a major or minor fuel spill, who do you notify?

Before dumping into a hopper, what should you do?

Crossing railway tracks can be especially hazardous for drivers of large vehicles. Which statement is untrue?

Why is it recommended to back up a Class 3 vehicle to the left?

Every driver who transports dangerous goods, must have with them a copy of which documents?

Which statement is untrue: You must not move a loaded dump vehicle until the following has occurred:

Who is responsible to ensure drivers are properly trained to carry dangerous good and earn a Dangerous Goods Training Certificate?

You are permitted to use a GPS system while driving without being penalized under the distracted driving laws, but under which circumstances?

Distracted driving is not just electronic distractions. Which of the following is not listed as a distraction?

At what point is it illegal to reverse a school bus, whether it's loaded or unloaded?

Why is pumping the throttle not a good idea that can waste fuel when starting a fuel-injected vehicle?

After stopping the school bus before railway tracks, how do you improve your visibility to see up and down the tracks?

Certain display screens are permitted and not part of the distracted driving laws. Which one is not permitted?

When leaving the vehicle, it's recommended to use the three-point contact procedure. What is this?