A flashing green light at the intersection where turns to the left and right are permitted indicates what?

When two vehicles approach a four-way stop sign intersection at right angles to each other and at the same time:

ADVERTISEMENT When should the headlights of the motorcycle be turned on?

Which lanes should be avoided when changing lanes on a freeway and why?

How is a motorcycle to be started?

What are the ways by which motorcyclists can make themselves more visible during the nighttime?

Where should you place the helmet if you are pulled off the road and need help?

What should you get from the seller when you are buying a privately used motorcycle?

When riding with a group of motorcyclists, a staggered formation...

In case a large animal is one the road, what should you do?

Checking the mirrors is especially needed when…

What should one do in a blind curve when the view of the path ahead is restricted?

What are the things that should be checked on a motorcycle weekly, apart from the specific routine checks?

When you have your M2, preferably M license, what are the necessary instructions that you are going to give to the passengers in case they have to ride with you?

When driving a motorcycle in the right curb lane, which tire track should you be in?

Upshifting or downshifting on a curve:

Weaving in and out of heavy traffic is:

In case of taking a turn too fast, what are the possible outcomes?

In case the back tire blows out, where should you shift your weight?

Driving on the paved shoulder on the right side of the road is acceptable if one is…

To keep control over the motorcycle, one should…

What are the leading factors of motorcycle collisions at intersections?

Why is it deemed dangerous to slow down your motorcycle by reducing the throttle or simply downshifting?

When accelerating or applying the brakes, one should do the following to maintain strong control and grip over the motorcycle…

In the unlikely event of being chased by a dog, what should you do?

In case you are pulling off the road, what steps should you take?

Wearing protective clothing helps to…

When driving a motorcycle in the passing lane, which tire track should you be in?

A solid line at the left of your lane means:

Which lanes should be avoided on a freeway with three or more lanes?