In case a freeway exit is missed, what should one do?

What is black ice?

Why are motorcyclists advised against shifting gears while turning?

Why should you not share lanes with other vehicles?

A motorcyclist should keep the mirrors positioned in such a way that he/she can:

In case of a seized engine, the motorcyclist should…

At what frequency should one look into the mirrors while driving on a freeway?

What are the requirements for towing a trailer with a motorcycle that can do so?

Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on the highway outside of a city, town, village, or built-up area is:

In case you are carrying cargo, at what level should it be kept?

When a motorcyclist carries a passenger, the extra rider’s weight affects the motorcycle and…

With an M1 level driver’s license, a motorcyclist can carry a passenger if…

In case the wheels get locked, what should a motorcyclist do?

What are some of the reasons for wobbling?

When entering a freeway, what is the right time to turn on your turn signal?

A highly skilled motorcyclist has which of the following qualities?

What style of driving does the phrase staggered formation refer to?

How does driving over metal gratings, worn out road facades, and grooves make a difference?

How can a motorcyclist alert others on the road to let them know that they are in need of help?

On approaching an intersection, you notice the road is blocked with traffic. You should:

In case a need arises for a motorcyclist to stop the motorcycle while making a turn, the following process should be used:

A driver entering a highway via an entrance ramp must:

In a situation where a number of motorcyclists are traveling with each other, what kind of driving manner should they assume?

If the engine locks or freezes, what should a motorcyclist do?

How should you react if flying debris or other objects hit you?

If the front tire blows out when on the road, the motorcyclist should…

When a motorcyclist is nearing a railway crossing, and a train is approaching at what distance from the closest gate or rail should the motorcyclist stop?

In case of a stuck throttle, how should a motorcyclist react?

If you have chosen to change your lane while driving and move to the left lane, before the lane change you should:

What should motorcyclists take into consideration at railway crossings?