What is the risk posed to motorcyclists from turbulence from large vehicles?

When you are about to make a turn, how should you prepare your passenger?

What is the relationship between cold weather and tire pressure?

What is implied by the phrase lane splitting?

What kind of risk is posed when motorcyclists overdrive their headlights?

When a motorcyclist is driving behind a bus that is entering the road by leaving a bus bay, who has the right-of-way?

There is a foot pedal available in most motorcycles. Which brakes does this foot pedal control?

While accelerating or applying the brakes forcefully, it is important to…

Which part of a wet road is usually the most slippery?

Why are motorcyclists advised against driving in the centre of a lane?

A flashing red signal light at an intersection indicates:

Which of the following tips does not apply to driving in the rain?

When can a motorcycle pass on a shoulder?

When a motorcyclist raises his left arm parallel to the ground and turns the forearm down from the elbow to indicate towards the ground, what does it mean?

When a motorcyclist is turning left from a passing lane into a passing lane, which tire track position should be adopted?

What is the role played by good traction when a motorcyclist is driving on slippery surfaces?

When approaching an intersection where there is a flashing amber traffic light, you must:

When a motorcyclist is turning left from a curb lane into a curb lane, which tire track position should be used?

What tire track or blocking position should a motorcyclist use when turning right in a wide lane?

What is the significance of the lane or blocking position, and which is the best position to maintain?

It is important to apply the braking as needed prior to…

Two vehicles reaching an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time must provide right-of-way to:

If you are followed closely by other vehicles, which of the following is advised?

What considerations should be kept in mind while driving a motorcycle in foggy conditions?

What is the best way of maximizing your safety on the road when a vehicle in front of you is turning left?

What are the effects of alcohol consumption on a motorcycle rider?

Which factors come into play for a motorcyclist to make other drivers on the road aware of his/her presence while attempting to shift lanes or make a turn?

What is the significance of always wearing protective face gear while riding a motorcycle?

What is the most dangerous position to be in when driving a motorcycle on the road?

What is the significance of ensuring a large cushion of space around oneself when driving a motorcycle?