At the Olympic Games in 1996, which Canadian became a world record sprinter and double Olympic gold medalist?

Which province is connected to Canada’s mainland by one of the longest continuous multi-span bridges in the world?

What does the term mobility rights mean?

When is Remembrance Day celebrated?

How are Senators selected?

What makes a jury?

What is significant about the number of people living in Ontario?

Which was the first province in the British Empire to move towards the abolition of slavery?

Which is the most famous invention of Research In Motion (RIM), a wireless communications company?

What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?

Which of these is a Canadian icon comprised of serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces?

Who suggested the name Dominion of Canada in 1864?

What was significant about the Canadian navy at the end of the Second World War?

Who are the ancestors of the Métis?

In what year were the Aboriginal Peoples granted the right to vote?

What is the capital of Canada?

Which bill contains Sir Wilfrid Lauriers portrait?

What was the Women's Suffrage Movement?

Jurisdiction is shared by federal government and provinces over which of the following sectors?

Which country was liberated by the Canadian Army in 1944 - 1945?

Who invented the Cardiac pacemaker?

What can Canadians do if they cannot pay for a lawyer?

When is Canada day? What is celebrated on this day?

Which are the two official languages of Canada?

Who do you call the Queens representative in the territories?