Which of the following is a responsibility of the provincial government?

How many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross?

How many provinces and territories does Canada have?

What is Canada's system of political governance called?

Who is considered Canada's greatest soldier?

Which of the following represents protecting and enjoying heritage and the environment in Canada?

Which of the following is the responsibility of municipal governments?

Where do the majority of Francophones live?

Traditionally, how often are Members of Parliament elected?

What is the highest medal of honour presented to Canadians?

How many Canadians were killed in World War I, from 1914-1918?

In 1980, Terry Fox began a cross-country run, the Marathon of Hope. What was its purpose?

What are the parties that are not in power called?

Who started the Marathon of Hope?

Who, among these, is a Nobel Prize-winning Canadian scientist?

Today, diversity enriches the lives of Canadians. Where is diversity most seen?

What was the main trade of the first companies formed in Canada?

When were female Canadian citizens over the age of 21 granted the right to vote in federal elections?

Which of the following is the responsibility of the federal government of Canada?

When were female Canadian citizens over the age of 21 granted the right to vote in federal elections?

How many judges serve in the Supreme Court of Canada?

How does a bill become law in Canada?

Which is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?

Which is the most popular spectator sport of Canada?

For how long was the title Dominion of Canada officially used?

Who elects members to the House of Commons in Ottawa and the provincial and territorial legislatures?